The IODP Environmental Protection and Safety Panel (EPSP) is an advisory body of the JOIDES Resolution Facility Board (JRFB) composed of volunteer domain experts from IODP member countries. The EPSP primarily carries out a site-by-site review of proposed or scheduled IODP expeditions from the point of view of safety and environmental protection. The ECORD Facility Board and Chikyu IODP Board (non-riser projects only) also currently use EPSP as an advisory body. 

The EPSP's work is organized by its panel Chair, working closely with the platform Science Operators and the Facility Board Chairs. The EPSP's annual meeting schedule is determined by the scheduling needs of the platforms.

Proponents will be notified well in advance by the IODP Science Support Office if their proposal is scheduled for EPSP review. Proponents are required to prepare and submit a Safety Review Report two months before the meeting. EPSP protocol requests that one proponent representative (usually the data lead) attend the meeting to give a presentation based on their report and interact with the panel. EPSP review often requires modification to the drilling plan (for example, relocation of sites) and submission of new Site Forms via a proposal Addendum. 

The panel composition is outlined in Memoranda of Understanding between contributing nations and the JR Platform Provider. Those interested in serving on EPSP should contact their Program Member Offices.

The IODP Science Evaluation Panel (SEP) is an advisory body of the JOIDES Resolution Facility Board (JRFB) composed of volunteer domain experts from IODP member countries. SEP primarily reviews proposals to use the IODP drilling platforms but can advise on other scientific topics.  The ECORD Facility Board and Chikyu IODP Board also use SEP as an advisory body to review scientific drilling proposals. The panel size is determined by scientific need and its composition is outlined in Memoranda of Understanding between contributing nations and the JOIDES Resolution Platform Provider. Those interested in serving on SEP should contact their Program Member Offices.

SEP's work is organized by the panel Co-Chairs who are nominated by the membership and approved by the JRFB. Aided by the IODP Science Support Office, SEP meets in January and June to consider IODP proposals submitted to the April and October deadlines and conducts inter-sessional work via email. SEP follows the proposal review process described in the IODP Proposal Submission Guidelines, IODP LEAPs Proposal Submission Guidelines, and the IODP Standard Confidentiality Policy. Once SEP decides to forward a proposal, its future path toward possible implementation is determined by the Facility Board. 


The IODP Platform Providers have established Facility Boards to make or inform decisions on the effective use of the drilling facilities in fulfilling the objectives of the IODP Science Plan, including updates to the Expedition Schedule. Facility Boards generally meet annually. 

All of the Facility Boards make use of the JRFB's advisory panels - the Science Evaluation Panel (SEP) and the Environmental Protection and Safety Panel (EPSP) - to evaluate the science, sites, environmental protection, and safety of proposed expeditions. The JRFB also established the Working Group on Science Framework Proposal Requirements and Assessments (WG-SFP) to consider requirements and review processes for proposals that would use a proposed U.S. global ranging, non-riser drilling platform to address the 2050 Science Framework, and it established the Working Group on Virtual Expeditions (WG-VE) to explore programs that would use legacy assets of the scientific ocean drilling programs.

As IODP concludes, the JRFB will transition to the JOIDES Resolution Advisory Board (JRAB) to provide operational and management advice to the JOIDES Resolution Science Operator (JRSO) and the IODP Science Support Office (SSO) as they conclude their IODP activities. The JRAB will operate from October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2029.

Last updated November 2023

Name Affiliation Region
Barry Katz, Chair Chevron Corporation USA
Earl Doyle Independent consultant USA
Brandon Dugan Colorado School of Mines USA
Lisa Hawkins Independent consultant USA
Martin Hovland Ambio Tech Team (advisor) ECORD
Philippe Lapointe Independent consultant ECORD
Toby Harrold Independent consultant ECORD
Simon Holford University of Adelaide ANZIC
Jacek Lupa ConocoPhillips USA
Jin-Oh Park University of Tokyo Japan
Donald Potts University of California Santa Cruz USA
Craig Shipp Shell International E&P USA
Dieter Strack Independent consultant ECORD
Zhen Sun Chinese Academy of Sciences China
Jiangong Wei Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey China



Board Members:

Name Affiliation Member Type 
Larry Krissek, Chair Ohio State University, USA science
Kevin Johnson National Science Foundation, USA funding, USA
Ron Hackney The Australian National University, Australia funding, ANZIC
Gilbert Camoin ECORD Management Agency, CEREGE, France funding, ECORD
Steve Hovan Indiana University of Pennsylvania science
Huayu Lu Nanjing University, China science
Steffen Kutterolf GEOMAR, Germany science
Mitch Malone JOIDES Resolution Science Operator, Texas A&M University, USA operator
TBD National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research, India funding, India
Amelia Shevenell University of South Florida, USA science
Robert McKay Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand science
Wentao Wang Division of Ocean, Ministry of Science and Technology, China funding, China


Liaisons to the JRFB (as listed below) are specified in the Terms of Reference:

Role Name Affiliation
Chair, IODP Forum Henk Brinkhuis Utrecht University
Co-Chair, Science Evaluation Panel Kathleen Marsaglia California State University, Northridge
Co-Chair, Science Evaluation Panel Tim Reston University of Birmingham
Chair, Environmental Protection & Safety Panel Barry Katz Chevron Corporation
Chair, ECORD Facility Board Sasha Turchyn Cambridge University
Chair, Chikyu IODP Board Nobukazu Seama Kobe University
ECORD Science Operator Sarah Davies University of Leicester 
Chikyu Science Operator Nobu Eguchi MarE3/JAMSTEC
IODP Science Support Office Charna Meth Scripps Institution of Oceanography


Board Members:

Name Affiliation Member Type 
Larry Krissek, Chair Ohio State University, USA science
Kevin Johnson National Science Foundation, USA funding, USA
Ron Hackney The Australian National University, Australia funding, ANZIC
Gilbert Camoin ECORD Management Agency, CEREGE, France funding, ECORD
Steve Hovan Indiana University of Pennsylvania science
Huayu Lu Nanjing University, China science
Steffen Kutterolf GEOMAR, Germany science
TBD National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research, India funding, India
Amelia Shevenell University of South Florida, USA science
Robert McKay Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand science
Wentao Wang Division of Ocean, Ministry of Science and Technology, China funding, China


Ad hoc members to the JRAB (as listed below) are specified in the Terms of Reference:

Role Name Affiliation
JOIDES Resolution Science Operator Mitch Malone Texas A&M University
IODP Science Support Office Charna Meth Scripps Institution of Oceanography



  • Unraveling the Life of a Core
  • Exploring the Temp Limit of the Deep Biosphere
  • The Library of Earth's History
  • Exp 405: Rene Castillo, Sedimentology Scientist
  • IODP: Open Data for Global Research
  • IODP: Past - Present - Future
  • IODP: A Guide to Smear Slides
  • Adriane Lam, Paleontologist/Biostratigrapher
  • Drilling 101 - Expedition 371 Tasman Sea Frontier
  • Sailing with IODP: Shipboard Sedimentology
  • Unraveling the Life of a Core
  • Exploring the Temp Limit of the Deep Biosphere
  • The Library of Earth's History
  • Exp 405: Rene Castillo, Sedimentology Scientist

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