The IODP Environmental Protection and Safety Panel (EPSP) was an advisory body of the JOIDES Resolution Facility Board (JRFB) composed of volunteer domain experts from IODP member countries. The EPSP primarily carried out a site-by-site review of proposed or scheduled IODP expeditions from the point of view of safety and environmental protection. The ECORD Facility Board and Chikyu IODP Board (non-riser projects only) also used EPSP as an advisory body. 

The EPSP's work was organized by its panel Chair, working closely with the platform Science Operators and the Facility Board Chairs. The EPSP's annual meeting schedule was determined by the scheduling needs of the platforms.

Proponents were notified well in advance by the IODP Science Support Office if their proposal was scheduled for EPSP review. Proponents were required to prepare and submit a Safety Review Report two months before the meeting. EPSP protocol requested that one proponent representative (usually the data lead) attend the meeting to give a presentation based on their report and interact with the panel. EPSP review often required modification to the drilling plan (for example, relocation of sites) and submission of new Site Forms via a proposal Addendum. 

The panel composition was outlined in Memoranda of Understanding between contributing nations and the JOIDES Resolution Platform Provider.