The IODP Science Evaluation Panel (SEP) was an advisory body of the JOIDES Resolution Facility Board (JRFB) composed of volunteer domain experts from IODP member countries. SEP primarily reviewed proposals to use the IODP drilling platforms but could advise on other scientific topics. The ECORD Facility Board and Chikyu IODP Board also used SEP as an advisory body to review scientific drilling proposals. The panel size was determined by scientific need and its composition is outlined in Memoranda of Understanding between contributing nations and the JOIDES Resolution Platform Provider.
SEP's work was organized by the panel Co-Chairs who were nominated by the membership and approved by the JRFB. Aided by the IODP Science Support Office, SEP met in January and June to consider IODP proposals submitted to the April and October deadlines and conducted inter-sessional work via email. SEP followed the proposal review process described in the IODP Proposal Submission Guidelines, IODP LEAPs Proposal Submission Guidelines, and the IODP Standard Confidentiality Policy. Once SEP decided to forward a proposal, the proposal's future path toward possible implementation was determined by the Facility Board.