The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) explored Earth’s climate history, structure, mantle/crust dynamics, natural hazards, and deep biosphere as described in the IODP Science Plan: Illuminating Earth's Past, Present, and Future. IODP facilitated international and interdisciplinary research on transformative and societally relevant topics using the ocean drilling, coring, and down-hole measurement facilities JOIDES Resolution, Chikyu, and Mission-Specific Platforms (MSP). This notice describes proposals that were accepted for the April 1, 2024 deadline, which was the final proposal deadline for IODP. Additional submission information for proposals. 

Call for Proposals

Mission-Specific Platforms: MSP expeditions typically are used to drill/core targets that are inaccessible by the other facilities (e.g., shallow water, enclosed seas, ice-covered seas) in any ocean basin until the end of 2024. After that date, MSP expeditions might be implemented in all drilling environments. New and revised MSP proposals for any ocean basin and any scientific target are welcomed.

Chikyu: New Complementary Project Proposals (CPPs) are encouraged, but other new riser and riserless proposals for the Chikyu may not be submitted at this time. Revisions and addendums to any proposal that is already in the system will be accepted.

JOIDES Resolution: The JOIDES Resolution is scheduled through the end of IODP; therefore, proposal may not be submitted for this platform.

Investigators are reminded that the drilling platforms are fully scheduled through the end of the current program, but processes are being considered for how proposals could transition to future programs. Proponents are strongly encouraged to contact the facility’s science operator to discuss platform-specific operational and fiscal constraints before developing proposals, and the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. can answer questions about eligibility to submit.