All Data Submission Deadlines Have Passed

The Site Survey Data Bank (SSDB) was the system through which site characterization data supporting IODP drilling proposals, such as seismic profiles, were submitted. Data files submitted to the deadline immediately following a drilling proposal submission deadline were reviewed together with the drilling proposal by the Science Evaluation Panel. While the SSDB was considered an open resource for those developing drilling proposals, proponents had the option of restricting access to their proprietary data as discussed in the Standard IODP Confidentiality Policy

After a drilling proposal was accepted, the Science Support Office set up the proposed sites in the SSDB and contacted the lead proponent when the system was ready for data uploads. Data submissions were then submitted by the deadline. Data submissions had to follow the format policies and other regulations specified in the IODP Site Characterization Guidelines

The process to submit data included:

Proponents with questions about SSDB can contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance.