The standard IODP publication series Scientific Prospectus, Preliminary Report, and Proceedings for each IODP expedition was written by the science party and published by IODP Publication Services at Texas A&M University. IODP Publication Services also maintains the searchable Scientific Ocean Drilling Bibliographic Database and publishes the following documents and reports:
- IODP Technical Notes
- JRSO Annual Reports and Program Plans, Technical Workshop Reports, and yearly IODP Bibliographic Reports
- Information about the annual JR Facility Assessment, including reviews by co-chief scientists of annual operations
Scientific Drilling
Scientific Drilling, sponsored by the International Ocean Discovery Program and the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program, is the open-access journal dedicated to the latest science and news from scientific drilling and related programs in the geosciences. The inaugural issue was published in 2005. Scientific Drilling delivers peer-reviewed reports from recently scientific drilling projects, reports on engineering/technical developments, workshops, and other news/updates from the community. Scientific Drilling is published by Copernicus GmbH on behalf of German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ).
Scientific Literature
Researchers using IODP samples and data once the moratorium period has passed are encouraged to publish their results in the peer-reviewed literature. They are requested to comply with the following guidelines from the IODP Sample, Data, and Obligations Policy:
- Submit a manuscript for publication, if possible, within 36 months after receiving samples.
- Include the words International Ocean Discovery Program or IODP in the abstract (or wording appropriate to the DSDP, ODP, or the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program).
- Acknowledge IODP in all publications that result from the data collected from samples received using the following wording: This research used samples and/or data provided by the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP). Funding for this research was provided by _________.
- Provide the following key words, as appropriate, to the manuscript publisher: International Ocean Discovery Program, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Ocean Drilling Program, or Deep Sea Drilling Project name of drilling platform, Expedition or Leg ###, expedition or leg title, and/or Site ### (where ### is the cruise or site identifier).
- Notify the IODP curator of manuscript acceptance and submit complete citation information so the publication can be entered into the Scientific Ocean Drilling Bibliographic Database.