All IODP Drilling Proposal Deadlines Have Passed
The Proposal Database System (PDB) is the web-based interface for completing and submitting IODP proposals. PDB offers specific guidance and many proposal components are created interactively; proponents are advised to begin working with PDB as soon as a proposal is planned. Please note that simultaneous users are not supported; generally, the proposal lead is the most appropriate person to access PDB and submit a proposal. Complete proposal preparation guidance, format requirements, and review policies are explained in the IODP Drilling Proposal Submission Guidelines.
A Call for Scientific Ocean Drilling Proposals is usually published at least two months in advance of the deadline with specifics about what types of proposals are being sought. Read the Call for Drilling Proposals carefully before proceeding - not all proposal types are being accepted at this time. Proponents are strongly encouraged to contact the Science Operators to discuss platform-specific operational and fiscal constraints before developing proposals. The IODP Proposal Manager has sole authority to accept proposals or grant exceptions to deadlines and policies.
To submit a drilling proposal:
Most types of proposals also require the submission of site characterization data to the Site Survey Data Bank.
Proponents with questions about submitting proposals can contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance.