IODP drilling proposals were considered Active when they were under review by the Science Evaluation Panel (SEP), being considered for scheduling by the program's Facility Boards (JRFB, EFB, CIB), or in the SEP Holding Bin (HB). Proposals that had been unresponsive for 5 years were subject to deactivation. This table was last updated on March 2025 and represents active proposals at the end of IODP. You can download graphs and pie charts of proposal statistics.
Proposal Number | Type | Short Title | Lead Proponent | Platform | Ocean Basin | Stage |
522 | Full5 | Superfast Spreading Crust | Teagle | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | JRFB |
537 | CDP7 | Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project Overview | von Huene | Chikyu and JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | CIB, JRFB |
537B | Full4 | Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project Phase B | Ranero | Chikyu | Pacific | CIB |
549 | Full6 | Northern Arabian Sea Monsoon | Lückge | JOIDES Resolution | Indian | JRFB |
567 | Full4 | South Pacific Paleogene | Thomas | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | EFB |
595 | Full4 | Indus Fan and Murray Ridge | Clift | JOIDES Resolution | Indian | JRFB |
603C | Full | NanTroSEIZE Phase 3: Plate Interface | Tobin | Chikyu | Pacific | CIB |
618 | Full3 | East Asia Margin | Clift | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | JRFB |
633 | Full2 | Costa Rica Mud Mounds | Brückmann | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | JRFB |
637 | Full2 | New England Shelf Hydrogeology | Person | Mission Specific Platform | Atlantic | EFB |
698 | Full3 | Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc Middle Crust | Tatsumi | Chikyu | Pacific | CIB |
708 | Full | Central Arctic Paleoceanography | Stein | Mission Specific Platform | Arctic | EFB |
724 | Full | Gulf of Aden Faunal Evolution | de Menocal | JOIDES Resolution | Indian | JRFB |
730 | Full2 | Sabine Bank Sea Level | Taylor | Mission Specific Platform | Pacific | EFB |
732 | Full2 | Antarctic Peninsula Sediment Drifts | Channell | JOIDES Resolution | Southern | EFB |
751 | Full2 | West Antarctic Ice Sheet Climate | McKay | JOIDES Resolution | Southern | JRFB |
777 | APL3 | Okinawa Trough Quaternary Paleoceanography | Lee | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | JRFB |
778 | Full2 | Tanzania Margin Paleoclimate Transect | Wade | JOIDES Resolution | Indian | JRFB |
781 | MDP | Hikurangi Subduction Margin | Wallace | Chikyu and JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | CIB, JRFB |
781B | Full | Hikurangi: Riser | Wallace | Chikyu | Pacific | CIB |
791 | APL2 | Continental Margin Methane Cycling | Malinverno | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | JRFB |
800 | MDP | Indian Ridge Moho | Dick | Chikyu and JOIDES Resolution | Indian | JRFB |
805 | MDP | MoHole to the Mantle | Umino | Chikyu | Pacific | SEP |
813 | Full | Antarctic Cenozoic Paleoclimate | Williams | Mission Specific Platform | Southern | EFB |
830 | APL2 | Scott Plateau Microbial Interaction | D'Hondt | JOIDES Resolution | Indian | JRFB |
839 | Full | Amundsen Sea Ice Sheet History | Gohl | JOIDES Resolution | Southern | EFB |
848 | Full | Weddell Sea History | Weber | JOIDES Resolution | Southern | SEP |
851 | Full | Cenozoic Northwest Atlantic Transect | Lyle | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | JRFB |
857 | MDP2 | DREAM: Mediterranean Salt Giant | Camerlenghi | Chikyu and JOIDES Resolution | Mediterranean | SEP |
857B | Pre | DREAM: Balearic Promontory | Lofi | JOIDES Resolution | Mediterranean | SEP |
857C | Full2 | DREAM: Lago-Mare Deposits | Bertoni | JOIDES Resolution | Mediterranean | EFB |
859 | Full2 | Amazon Margin Drilling | Baker | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | EFB |
864 | Full2 | Equatorial Atlantic Gateway | Dunkley Jones | Mission Specific Platform | Atlantic | EFB |
871 | CPP2 | Lord Howe Rise Continental Ribbon | Hackney | Chikyu | Pacific | CIB |
874 | Full2 | Neogene Newfoundland Sediment Drifts | Friedrich | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | JRFB |
876 | Pre | Bend-Fault Serpentinization | Phipps-Morgan | Chikyu and JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
885 | Full2 | Ulleung Basin Landslides | Bahk | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | JRFB |
898 | Pre | Fore Arc Mohole-to-Mantle | Michibayashi | Chikyu and JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
900 | Pre | Rainbow Massif Hydrothermalism | Andreani | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | SEP |
908 | APL | Costa Rica Megathrust Fluid-Pressure | Bangs | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | JRFB |
910 | Full2 | Continental Margin Methane Cycling: Rio Grande | Malinverno | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | JRFB |
911 | Full | Argentine Margin Paleoceanographic Transects | Wright | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | SEP |
917 | Pre | Florida Straits Gateway Record | Lowery | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | SEP |
918 | Pre | Southern Ocean Climate Evolution | Ikehara | JOIDES Resolution | Southern | SEP |
924 | Pre | Chatham Rise Geologic CO2 Release | Stott | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
926 | Pre | Great Australian Bight Reflux Brines | Wortmann | JOIDES Resolution | Indian | SEP |
929 | Full2 | Blake Nose Subseafloor Life | D'Hondt | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | EFB |
931 | Pre | East Antarctic Ice Sheet Evolution | Shevenell | Mission Specific Platform | Southern | SEP |
939 | APL3 | Tohoku Petit-Spot Magmatism | Yamaguchi | Chikyu | Pacific | CIB |
941 | Full2 | Godzilla Megamullion Lithosphere Architecture | Ohara | Chikyu and JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | EFB |
943 | Full | Galicia Margin Rifting | Reston | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | JRFB |
945 | Full2 | Brazilian Equatorial Margin Paleoceanography | Jovane | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | EFB |
947 | MDP | Cascadia Borehole Observatories | Tobin | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
947B | Pre | Cascadia Borehole Observatories: Oregon | Wilcock | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
951 | Full | North Hawaiian Arch Crust | Umino | Chikyu | Pacific | SEP |
953 | Pre | Australian-Antarctic Rift-Drift | Bijl | JOIDES Resolution | Southern | SEP |
955 | Full2 | Axial Seamount Observatory | Huber | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | JRFB |
959 | Pre | Hikurangi Megathrust Along-Strike Variability | Fagereng | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
961 | APL2 | Gulf of Mexico Glacier-Methane Link | Cook | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | JRFB |
962 | Full | Greenland Ice Sheet | Stoner | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | JRFB |
963 | Pre | NE Pacific Margin Paleoenvironment | Walczak | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
965 | Pre | Jurassic-Cretaceous Paleoceanography (Leg 1/11) | Leckie | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | SEP |
967 | Full2 | Ontong Java Nui LP | Sano | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | EFB |
971 | Full2 | Kane Megamullion Deep Drilling | Sanfilippo | Mission Specific Platform | Atlantic | EFB |
972 | APL3 | New England Slope Hydrogeology | Dugan | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | JRFB |
973 | Full2 | NW Africa Neogene Climate | Bickert | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | JRFB |
976 | Full2 | North Iceland Rift Propagation | Larsen | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | EFB |
979 | Full2 | Arctic Atlantic Gateway Paleoclimate | Geissler | Mission Specific Platform | Atlantic | EFB |
980 | APL3 | Guatemala Basin Hydrothermal Pits | Becker | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | JRFB |
983 | Pre | Kerguelen Plateau Climate Chronicles | Westerhold | JOIDES Resolution | Indian | SEP |
984 | Full | Chile Megathrust | Bangs | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
990 | Full2 | Hyuga-Nada Observatory | Nakata | JOIDES Resolution or Chikyu | Pacific | CIB |
992 | Full2 | Prince William Sound Subduction and Climate | Haeussler | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | JRFB |
993 | Pre | Havre Trough Backarc Formation | Caratori Tontini | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
997 | Pre | Mariana Trench Water-Rock Interaction | Wang | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
998 | Full | Antarctic Cryosphere Origins | McKay | JOIDES Resolution | Southern | SEP |
999 | Pre | New Caledonia Ophiolite L2S | Godard | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
1000 | Full | Argentine Margin Cretaceous Tectonics & Climate | Kulhanek | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | SEP |
1002 | Full | Totten Glacier Climate Vulnerability | Noble | JOIDES Resolution | Southern | SEP |
1003 | Pre2 | N. CAVA Volcanic Ash | Dunlea | Mission Specific Platform | Pacific | SEP |
1004 | APL3 | Nadir K-Pg impact Crater | Nicholson | Mission Specific Platform | Atlantic | EFB |
1005 | Full2 | Sunda Shelf Sea Level | Clift | Mission Specific Platform | Indian | SEP |
1006 | Pre | Mediterranean-Black Sea Gateway Exchange | Krijgsman | Mission Specific Platform | Mediterranean | SEP |
1007 | Full | Sunda Shelf Carbon Cycling | Liu | Mission Specific Platform | Indian | SEP |
1008 | Pre | Belize Barrier Reef Postglacial Sea-level | Gischler | Mission Specific Platform | Atlantic | SEP |
1010 | APL2 | JTRACK Deep-Time Paleoseismology | Ikehara | Chikyu | Pacific | CIB |
1012 | Full | North Sea Late Cenozoic Environments | Newton | Mission Specific Platform | Atlantic | SEP |
1015 | Full | Campeche Bank Sediment Drifts | Lowery | Mission Specific Platform | Atlantic | SEP |
1016 | Pre | Svalbard Sedimentary Record L2S | Jones | Mission Specific Platform | Arctic | SEP |
1017 | Pre | British-Irish Ice Sheet history | Benetti | Mission Specific Platform | Atlantic | SEP |