IODP LEAP proposals are considered Active when they are under review by the Science Evaluation Panel (SEP). Proposals that have been unresponsive for 5 years are subject to deactivation. This table is updated after SEP reviews are released, and you can download graphs and pie charts of proposal statistics. (last updated February 2024)
Proposal Number | Type | Short Title | Lead Proponent | Legacy Assets | Ocean Basin |
001 | Pre | Ontong Java Plateau Collision | Musgrave | Cores | Pacific |
005 | Pre | Cenozoic Carbonate Fields Reconstruction | Kirtland-Turner | Other Data | Global |
All IODP Proposal Deadlines Have Passed
Drilling Proposals
The International Ocean Discovery Program uses the program's drilling platforms for hypothesis-driven science in line with the themes and challenges outlined in the program's Science Plan Illuminating Earth's Past, Present, and Future. Proposals frequently involve collaborations between international researchers from the multiple geoscience disciplines and the lead proponent need not be from an IODP member country. Because proposals will not result in a financial arrangement (contract) with the proponent's institution, they are submitted by the individual investigator and not through the investigator's institution.
A Call for Drilling Proposals is agreed upon between the IODP Facility Boards and released by the IODP Science Support Office, usually for two proposal submission deadlines (April and October) per year. The deadline for submitting site data is one month after the proposal submission deadline. Proposed drill sites must be supported by site characterization data that builds confidence that the targets are correctly identified, achievable, and safe.
Drilling proposals are peer-reviewed within the IODP framework by the Science Evaluation Panel (SEP) aided by anonymous external reviewers in a process facilitated by the Science Support Office. SEP typically meets in January and June and reports containing the outcome of the review are sent to the lead proponent by the Science Support Office within one month of the panel meeting.
At annual scheduling meetings, the IODP Facility Boards consider drilling proposals that have been forwarded by SEP. Once a proposal is with a Facility Board for consideration, the Board may ask for further refinements/changes or may change the scope of a proposal to be compatible with the platform capability or operating budget. When a proposal is scheduled or close to being scheduled, the Facility Board will request a safety review by the Environmental Protection and Safety Panel or an equivalent panel.
Proposals are developed into research expeditions by the platform science operator in accordance with the IODP Principles of Scientific Investigation. Recent examples of successful proposals can be found on the expedition pages. Detailed guidance on proposal contents is found in the IODP Drilling Proposal Submission Guidelines.
Ocean Drilling Legacy Assets Projects (LEAPs)
Ocean Drilling Legacy Assets Projects (LEAPs) are a new type of project for international and interdisciplinary collaborations under the umbrella of the scientific ocean drilling programs. LEAPs are standalone research endeavors that: (1) address at least one aspect of the 2050 Science Framework, and (2) have objectives that maximize the return on the legacy assets of current and past scientific ocean drilling programs without new drilling. Examples of legacy assets are cores, samples, data, open boreholes, and downhole observatories from current and past scientific ocean drilling programs.
The IODP Science Support Office expects to release subsequent Call for LEAP Proposals twice per year, with deadlines matching those for drilling proposals (April and October). Because proposals will not result in a financial arrangement (contract) with the proponent's institution, they are submitted by the individual investigator and not through the investigator's institution.
LEAP proposals are peer-reviewed within the IODP framework by the Science Evaluation Panel (SEP). SEP typically meets in January and June and the outcome of the review is sent to the lead proponent by the IODP Science Support Office within one month of the panel meeting. Detailed guidance on proposal contents is found in the IODP LEAPs Proposal Submission Guidelines.
All IODP Drilling Proposal Deadlines Have Passed
The Proposal Database System (PDB) is the web-based interface for completing and submitting IODP proposals. PDB offers specific guidance and many proposal components are created interactively; proponents are advised to begin working with PDB as soon as a proposal is planned. Please note that simultaneous users are not supported; generally, the proposal lead is the most appropriate person to access PDB and submit a proposal. Complete proposal preparation guidance, format requirements, and review policies are explained in the IODP Drilling Proposal Submission Guidelines.
A Call for Scientific Ocean Drilling Proposals is usually published at least two months in advance of the deadline with specifics about what types of proposals are being sought. Proponents are strongly encouraged to contact the Science Operators to discuss platform-specific operational and fiscal constraints before developing proposals. The IODP Proposal Manager has sole authority to accept proposals or grant exceptions to deadlines and policies.
To submit a drilling proposal:
Most types of proposals also require the submission of site characterization data to the Site Survey Data Bank.
Proponents with questions about submitting proposals can contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance.
All Data Submission Deadlines Have Passed
The Site Survey Data Bank (SSDB) is the system through which site characterization data supporting IODP drilling proposals, such as seismic profiles, are submitted. Data files submitted to the deadline immediately following a drilling proposal submission deadline are reviewed together with the drilling proposal by the Science Evaluation Panel. While the SSDB is considered an open resource for those developing drilling proposals, proponents have the option of restricting access to their proprietary data as discussed in the Standard IODP Confidentiality Policy.
After a drilling proposal is accepted, the Science Support Office will set up the proposed sites in the SSDB and contact the lead proponent when the system is ready for data uploads. Data submissions must then be submitted by the deadline. Data submissions must follow the format policies and other regulations specified in the IODP Site Characterization Guidelines. Due to the time required for quality control procedures, data files uploaded after the deadline will be reviewed at the discretion of the IODP Science Support Office.
To submit data:
Proponents can contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance.
IODP drilling proposals are considered Active when they are under review by the Science Evaluation Panel (SEP), being considered for scheduling by the program's Facility Boards (JRFB, EFB, CIB), or in the SEP Holding Bin (HB). Proposals that have been unresponsive for 5 years are subject to deactivation. This table is updated after SEP reviews are released and after each Facility Board meeting, and you can download graphs and pie charts of proposal statistics. (last updated July 19, 2024)
Proposal Number | Type | Short Title | Lead Proponent | Platform | Ocean Basin | Stage |
522 | Full5 | Superfast Spreading Crust | Teagle | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | JRFB |
537 | CDP7 | Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project Overview | von Huene | Chikyu and JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | CIB, JRFB |
537B | Full4 | Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project Phase B | Ranero | Chikyu | Pacific | CIB |
549 | Full6 | Northern Arabian Sea Monsoon | Lückge | JOIDES Resolution | Indian | JRFB |
567 | Full4 | South Pacific Paleogene | Thomas | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | EFB |
595 | Full4 | Indus Fan and Murray Ridge | Clift | JOIDES Resolution | Indian | JRFB |
603C | Full | NanTroSEIZE Phase 3: Plate Interface | Tobin | Chikyu | Pacific | CIB |
618 | Full3 | East Asia Margin | Clift | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | JRFB |
633 | Full2 | Costa Rica Mud Mounds | Brückmann | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | JRFB |
637 | Full2 | New England Shelf Hydrogeology | Person | Mission Specific Platform | Atlantic | EFB |
698 | Full3 | Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc Middle Crust | Tatsumi | Chikyu | Pacific | CIB |
708 | Full | Central Arctic Paleoceanography | Stein | Mission Specific Platform | Arctic | EFB |
724 | Full | Gulf of Aden Faunal Evolution | de Menocal | JOIDES Resolution | Indian | JRFB |
730 | Full2 | Sabine Bank Sea Level | Taylor | Mission Specific Platform | Pacific | EFB |
732 | Full2 | Antarctic Peninsula Sediment Drifts | Channell | JOIDES Resolution | Southern | EFB |
751 | Full2 | West Antarctic Ice Sheet Climate | McKay | JOIDES Resolution | Southern | JRFB |
777 | APL3 | Okinawa Trough Quaternary Paleoceanography | Lee | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | JRFB |
778 | Full2 | Tanzania Margin Paleoclimate Transect | Wade | JOIDES Resolution | Indian | JRFB |
781 | MDP | Hikurangi Subduction Margin | Wallace | Chikyu and JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | CIB, JRFB |
781B | Full | Hikurangi: Riser | Wallace | Chikyu | Pacific | CIB |
791 | APL2 | Continental Margin Methane Cycling | Malinverno | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | JRFB |
800 | MDP | Indian Ridge Moho | Dick | Chikyu and JOIDES Resolution | Indian | JRFB |
805 | MDP | MoHole to the Mantle | Umino | Chikyu | Pacific | SEP |
813 | Full | Antarctic Cenozoic Paleoclimate | Williams | Mission Specific Platform | Southern | EFB |
830 | APL2 | Scott Plateau Microbial Interaction | D'Hondt | JOIDES Resolution | Indian | JRFB |
835 | Full2 | Japan Trench Tsunamigenesis | Kodaira | Chikyu | Pacific | Exp.405 |
839 | Full | Amundsen Sea Ice Sheet History | Gohl | JOIDES Resolution | Southern | EFB |
848 | Full | Weddell Sea History | Weber | JOIDES Resolution | Southern | SEP |
851 | Full | Cenozoic Northwest Atlantic Transect | Lyle | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | JRFB |
857 | MDP2 | DREAM: Mediterranean Salt Giant | Camerlenghi | Chikyu and JOIDES Resolution | Mediterranean | SEP |
857B | Pre | DREAM: Balearic Promontory | Lofi | JOIDES Resolution | Mediterranean | SEP |
857C | Full2 | DREAM: Lago-Mare Deposits | Bertoni | JOIDES Resolution | Mediterranean | EFB |
859 | Full2 | Amazon Margin Drilling | Baker | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | EFB |
864 | Full2 | Equatorial Atlantic Gateway | Dunkley Jones | Mission Specific Platform | Atlantic | EFB |
871 | CPP2 | Lord Howe Rise Continental Ribbon | Hackney | Chikyu | Pacific | CIB |
874 | Full2 | Neogene Newfoundland Sediment Drifts | Friedrich | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | JRFB |
876 | Pre | Bend-Fault Serpentinization | Phipps-Morgan | Chikyu and JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
885 | Full2 | Ulleung Basin Landslides | Bahk | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | JRFB |
898 | Pre | Fore Arc Mohole-to-Mantle | Michibayashi | Chikyu and JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
900 | Pre | Rainbow Massif Hydrothermalism | Andreani | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | SEP |
908 | APL | Costa Rica Megathrust Fluid-Pressure | Bangs | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | JRFB |
910 | Full2 | Continental Margin Methane Cycling: Rio Grande | Malinverno | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | JRFB |
911 | Full | Argentine Margin Paleoceanographic Transects | Wright | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | SEP |
917 | Pre | Florida Straits Gateway Record | Lowery | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | SEP |
918 | Pre | Southern Ocean Climate Evolution | Ikehara | JOIDES Resolution | Southern | SEP |
924 | Pre | Chatham Rise Geologic CO2 Release | Stott | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
926 | Pre | Great Australian Bight Reflux Brines | Wortmann | JOIDES Resolution | Indian | SEP |
929 | Full2 | Blake Nose Subseafloor Life | D'Hondt | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | EFB |
931 | Pre | East Antarctic Ice Sheet Evolution | Shevenell | Mission Specific Platform | Southern | SEP |
939 | APL3 | Tohoku Petit-Spot Magmatism | Yamaguchi | Chikyu | Pacific | CIB |
941 | Full2 | Godzilla Megamullion Lithosphere Architecture | Ohara | Chikyu and JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | EFB |
943 | Full | Galicia Margin Rifting | Reston | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | JRFB |
945 | Full2 | Brazilian Equatorial Margin Paleoceanography | Jovane | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | EFB |
947 | MDP | Cascadia Borehole Observatories | Tobin | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
947B | Pre | Cascadia Borehole Observatories: Oregon | Wilcock | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
951 | Full | North Hawaiian Arch Crust | Umino | Chikyu | Pacific | SEP |
953 | Pre | Australian-Antarctic Rift-Drift | Bijl | JOIDES Resolution | Southern | SEP |
955 | Full2 | Axial Seamount Observatory | Huber | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | JRFB |
959 | Pre | Hikurangi Megathrust Along-Strike Variability | Fagereng | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
961 | APL2 | Gulf of Mexico Glacier-Methane Link | Cook | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | JRFB |
962 | Full | Greenland Ice Sheet | Stoner | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | JRFB |
963 | Pre | NE Pacific Margin Paleoenvironment | Walczak | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
965 | Pre | Jurassic-Cretaceous Paleoceanography (Leg 1/11) | Leckie | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | SEP |
967 | Full2 | Ontong Java Nui LP | Sano | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | EFB |
971 | Full2 | Kane Megamullion Deep Drilling | Sanfilippo | Mission Specific Platform | Atlantic | EFB |
972 | APL3 | New England Slope Hydrogeology | Dugan | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | JRFB |
973 | Full2 | NW Africa Neogene Climate | Bickert | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | JRFB |
976 | Full2 | North Iceland Rift Propagation | Larsen | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | EFB |
979 | Full2 | Arctic Atlantic Gateway Paleoclimate | Geissler | Mission Specific Platform | Atlantic | EFB |
980 | APL3 | Guatemala Basin Hydrothermal Pits | Becker | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | JRFB |
983 | Pre | Kerguelen Plateau Climate Chronicles | Westerhold | JOIDES Resolution | Indian | SEP |
984 | Full | Chile Megathrust | Bangs | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
985 | Full2 | Eastern Fram Strait Paleo-archive | Lucchi | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | Exp.403 |
990 | Full2 | Hyuga-Nada Observatory | Nakata | JOIDES Resolution or Chikyu | Pacific | CIB |
992 | Full2 | Prince William Sound Subduction and Climate | Haeussler | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | JRFB |
993 | Pre | Havre Trough Backarc Formation | Caratori Tontini | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
997 | Pre | Mariana Trench Water-Rock Interaction | Wang | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
998 | Full | Antarctic Cryosphere Origins | McKay | JOIDES Resolution | Southern | SEP |
999 | Pre | New Caledonia Ophiolite L2S | Godard | JOIDES Resolution | Pacific | SEP |
1000 | Full | Argentine Margin Cretaceous Tectonics & Climate | Kulhanek | JOIDES Resolution | Atlantic | SEP |
1002 | Full | Totten Glacier Climate Vulnerability | Noble | JOIDES Resolution | Southern | SEP |
1003 | Pre2 | N. CAVA Volcanic Ash | Dunlea | Mission Specific Platform | Pacific | SEP |
1004 | APL3 | Nadir K-Pg impact Crater | Nicholson | Mission Specific Platform | Atlantic | EFB |
1005 | Full2 | Sunda Shelf Sea Level | Clift | Mission Specific Platform | Indian | SEP |
1006 | Pre | Mediterranean-Black Sea Gateway Exchange | Krijgsman | Mission Specific Platform | Mediterranean | SEP |
1007 | Full | Sunda Shelf Carbon Cycling | Liu | Mission Specific Platform | Indian | SEP |
1008 | Pre | Belize Barrier Reef Postglacial Sea-level | Gischler | Mission Specific Platform | Atlantic | SEP |
1010 | APL2 | JTRACK Deep-Time Paleoseismology | Ikehara | Chikyu | Pacific | CIB |
1012 | Full | North Sea Late Cenozoic Environments | Newton | Mission Specific Platform | Atlantic | SEP |
1013 | APL | JTRACK observatory redeployment | Fulton | Chikyu | Pacific | CIB |
1015 | Full | Campeche Bank Sediment Drifts | Lowery | Mission Specific Platform | Atlantic | SEP |
1016 | Pre | Svalbard Sedimentary Record L2S | Jones | Mission Specific Platform | Arctic | SEP |
1017 | Pre | British-Irish Ice Sheet history | Benetti | Mission Specific Platform | Atlantic | SEP |
This table is a quick reference of required components of the different types of IODP drilling proposals; complete information is found in the Drilling Proposal Submission Guidelines. Note: Site Forms are generated interactively through the online proposal submission system, PDB. For Ocean Drilling Legacy Assets Projects (LEAPs), please see the LEAPs Proposal Guidelines.
Drilling Proposal Type | Preliminary Proposal | Full Proposal* | Ancillary Project Letter (APL) | Addendum | Proponent Response Letter (PRL) |
General |
Abstract: 400 words or less (not necessary for PRL) |
Maximum Image and File Sizes |
Single Site Figure PDF: Maximum 10 Megabytes (MB) Main Text PDF including Figures (other than the Site Figure): Maximum 15 MB |
Deadline |
1 April and 1 October (unless otherwise noted), 23:59 UTC |
As requested |
Main Text (incl. figure captions) |
Up to 4,500 words |
Up to 10,000 words |
Up to 2,500 words |
Up to 4,000 words |
Up to 2,500 words |
Figures & Tables** |
Up to 8 |
Up to 12 |
Up to 5 |
Up to 8 |
Up to 5 |
List of Proponents |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required if new proponents are added |
None |
List of Potential Reviewers |
None |
Required |
None |
None |
None |
Curriculum Vitae (CV) |
None |
Required |
None |
Required if new proponents are added |
None |
Proposal Cover Sheet |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
None |
Site Forms 1: General 2: Site Survey 4: Environmental 5: Lithologies Site Figure |
Form 1 is Required |
Forms 1, 2, 4, 5 and Site Figure are Required*** |
Forms 1, 2, 4, 5 and Site Figure are Required |
Forms 1, 2, 4, 5 and Site Figure are Required for New Sites |
None |
How to Submit |
All proposal types must be created and submitted using the Proposal Database System. Site characterization data must be uploaded via the Site Survey Data Bank. Contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions about submissions. |
* Full Proposal also includes the sub-types of Multi-phase Drilling Project (MDP), Complementary Project Proposal (CPP). See separate table in the IODP Proposal Guidelines for Land-2-Sea proposals.
** Figures and Tables are part of the user-uploaded Main Text pdf. They are not uploaded as separate documents.
*** Detailed site descriptions are not required for MDP, but general site identification is encouraged.
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