IODP is not collecting applications to sail. All remaining expeditions have been staffed.




Tracking Tsunamigenic Slip Across the Japan Trench (JTRACK) (Expedition 405)

Summary from the Scientific ProspectusThe 11 March 2011 M 9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake was one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded and was accompanied by a devastating tsunami. Slip during the earthquake was exceptionally large at shallow depth on the plate boundary fault, which was one of the primary factors that contributed to the extreme tsunami amplitudes that inundated the coast of Japan. International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 405 aims to investigate the conditions and processes that facilitated the extremely shallow slip on the subduction interface in the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake. Proposed work includes coring and logging operations at two sites in a transect across the trench. The first site, located within the overriding plate, will access the fault zone in the region of large shallow slip, targeting the plate boundary décollement, overlying frontal prism, and subducted units cut by the décollement. The second site, located on the Pacific plate, will access the undisturbed sedimentary and volcanic inputs to the subduction zone. A borehole observatory will be installed into the décollement and surrounding rocks to provide measurements of the temperature in and around the fault over the following several years. Sampling, geophysical logs, and the observatory temperature time series will document the compositional, structural, mechanical, and frictional properties of the rocks in the décollement and adjacent country rock, as well as the hydrogeologic structure and pore fluid pressure of the fault zone and frontal prism—key properties that influence the effective stress to facilitate earthquake slip and potential for large slip. Results from Expedition 405 will address fundamental questions about earthquake slip on subduction zones that may directly inform earthquake and tsunami hazard assessments around the world.


Below is a sample of recent articles featuring IODP expeditions, samples, data, or related research. Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request to post an article on this page. Journalists and communication professionals are encouraged to speak with the program's Media Contacts for photos or others resources.

International Ocean Discovery Program (2013-2024)

  JOIDES Resolution
Mission-Specific Platforms
Program Total
Expeditions Completed 46 5 5 58
Sites Visited 220 8 43 271
Holes Drilled 599 34 115 748
Cores Recovered 16,226 375 1,453 18,054
Deepest Hole Penetrated (m) 1,806 1,180 1,335 1,806
Shallowest Water Depth (m) 87  1,939 20 20
Deepest Water Depth (m) 5,012 6,929 8,023 8,023
Core Recovery (m) 93,294 1,820 3,801 98,915

Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (2003-2013)

  JOIDES Resolution Chikyu Mission-Specific Platforms Program Total
Expeditions Completed 35 14 5 54
Sites Visited 145 38 67 250
Holes Drilled 439 95 115 649
Cores Recovered 8,491 927 2,676 12,094
Deepest Hole Penetrated (m) 1,928 3,059 755 3,059
Shallowest Water Depth (m) 84.2 885 23 23
Deepest Water Depth (m) 5,697 6,929 1.288 6,929
Core Recovery (m) 57,289 4,886 4,131 66,306

Ocean Drilling Program (1985-2003)

  JOIDES Resolution
Expeditions Completed 111
Sites Visited 669
Holes Drilled 1,797
Cores Recovered 35,772
Deepest Hole Penetrated (m) 2,111
Shallowest Water Depth (m) 37.5
Deepest Water Depth (m) 5,980
Core Recovery (m) 222,704

Deep Sea Drilling Project (1968-1983)

  Glomar Challenger
Expeditions Completed 96
Sites Visited 624
Holes Drilled 1,053
Cores Recovered 19,119
Deepest Hole Penetrated (m) 1,741
Deepest Water Depth (m) 7,044
Core Recovery (m) 97,056

Completed Expeditions (2014-2024)

Expedition Name
South China Sea Tectonics 349 Jan. 26 – Mar. 30, 2014 Hong Kong / Keelung USIO
Izu Bonin Mariana: Rear Arc 350 Mar. 30 – May 30, 2014 Keelung / Yokohama USIO
Izu Bonin Mariana: Arc Origins 351 May 30 – July 30, 2014 Yokohama / Yokohama USIO
Izu Bonin Mariana: Forearc 352 July 30 – Sep. 29, 2014 Yokohama / Keelung USIO
Indian Monsoon Rainfall 353 Nov. 29, 2014 – Jan. 29, 2015 Singapore / Singapore JRSO
Bengal Fan 354 Jan. 29 – Mar. 31, 2015 Singapore / Columbo JRSO
Arabian Sea Monsoon (CPP) 355 Mar. 31 – May 31, 2015 Columbo / Mumbai JRSO
Indonesian Throughflow 356 July 31 – Sept. 30, 2015 Freemantle / Darwin JRSO
Atlantis Massif Seafloor Processes: Serpentinization and Life 357 Oct. 26 – Dec. 11, 2015 Southampton / Southampton ESO
NanTroSEIZE: Plate Boundary Deep Riser 4 358 Oct. 7, 2018 – Mar. 31, 2019 Shimizu / Shimizu CDEX
Maldives Monsoon and Sea Level 359 Sept. 30 – Nov. 30, 2015 Darwin / Colombo JRSO
SW Indian Ridge Lower Crust/Moho 360 Nov. 30, 2015 – Jan. 30, 2016 Colombo / Port Louis JRSO
Southern African Climates & Agulhas Current Density Profile 361 Jan. 30 – Mar. 31, 2016 Port Louis / Cape Town JRSO
Transit / Hole U1473 Remediation 362T July 4 – Aug. 6, 2016 Cape Town / Colombo JRSO
Sumatra Seismogenic Zone 362 Aug. 6 – Oct. 6, 2016 Colombo / Singapore JRSO
Western Pacific Warm Pool  363 Oct. 6 – Dec. 8, 2016 Singapore / Guam JRSO
Chicxulub K-T Impact Crater 364 Apr. 5 – May 31, 2016 Progreso, Mexico ESO
NanTroSEIZE: Shallow Megasplay Long-Term Borehole 365 Mar. 26 – Apr. 27, 2016 Shimizu / Shimizu CDEX
Mariana Convergent Margin 366 Dec. 8, 2016 – Feb. 7, 2017 Guam / Hong Kong JRSO
South China Sea Rifted Margin A  367 Feb. 7 – Apr. 9, 2017 Hong Kong / Hong Kong  JRSO
South China Sea Rifted Margin B  368 Apr. 9 – June 11, 2017 Hong Kong / Shanghai JRSO
Return to Hole U1503A (South China Sea) 368X Nov. 15 – Dec. 8, 2018 Hong Kong / Hong Kong JRSO
Australia Cretaceous Climate and Tectonics 369 Sep. 26 – Nov. 26, 2017 Hobart / Fremantle JRSO
Temperature Limit of the Deep Biosphere off Muroto 370 Sep. 10 – Nov. 10, 2016 Shimizu / Kochi CDEX
Tasman Frontier Subduction Initiation & Paleogene Climate 371 July 27 – Sep. 26, 2017 Townsville / Hobart JRSO
Creeping Gas Hydrate Slides and Hikurangi LWD 372 Nov. 26, 2017 – Jan. 4, 2018 Fremantle / Lyttelton JRSO
Ross Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History 374 Jan. 4 – Mar. 8, 2018 Lyttelton / Lyttelton JRSO
Hikurangi Subduction Margin Observatory 375 Mar. 8 – May 5, 2018 Lyttelton / Auckland JRSO
Brothers Arc Flux 376 May 5 – July 5, 2018 Auckland / Auckland JRSO
Amundsen Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History 379 Jan. 18 – Mar. 20, 2019 Punta Arenas / Punta Arenas JRSO
NanTroSEIZE: Frontal Thrust Borehole Monitoring System  380 Jan. 12 – Feb. 7, 2018 Shimizu / Shimizu CDEX
Corinth Active Rift Development 381 Oct. 23 – Dec. 18, 2017 Corinth / Corinth ESO
Iceberg Alley and Subantarctic Ice and Ocean Dynamics 382 Mar. 20 – May 20, 2019 Punta Arenas / Punta Arenas JRSO
Dynamics of Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current 383 May 20 – July 20, 2019 Punta Arenas / Punta Arenas JRSO
Panama Basin Crustal Architecture & Restoring Hole 896A 385T Aug. 18 – Sep. 16, 2019 Antofagasta / San Diego JRSO
Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere 385  Sept. 16 – Nov. 16, 2019 San Diego / San Diego JRSO
South Pacific Paleogene Climate 378 Jan. 3 – Feb. 6, 2020 Fiji / Papeete JRSO
JOIDES Resolution Engineering Testing 384 July 20 – Sep. 5, 2020 Kristiansand / Las Palmas JRSO
South Atlantic Transect Reentry Installations 390C Oct. 5 – Dec. 5, 2020 Kristiansand / Cape Town JRSO
Complete South Atlantic Transect Reentry Installations 395E April 6 – June 6, 2021 Cape Town / Reykjavik JRSO
Japan Trench Paleoseismology 386 Apr. 13 – June 1, 2021 Yokosuka / Yokosuka ESO
Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate 395C June 6 – Aug. 6, 2021 Reykjavik / Reykjavik JRSO
Mid-Norwegian Continental Margin Magmatism 396 Aug. 6 – Oct. 6, 2021 Reykjavik / Kristiansand JRSO
Walvis Ridge Hotspot 391 Dec. 6, 2021 – Feb. 5, 2022 Cape Town / Cape Town


Agulhas Plateau Cretaceous Climate 392 Feb. 5 – Apr. 7, 2022 Cape Town / Cape Town


South Atlantic Transect 390 Apr. 7 – June 7, 2022 Cape Town / Cape Town


South Atlantic Transect 2 393 Jun. 7 – Aug. 7, 2022 Cape Town / Cape Town


Iberian Margin Paleoclimate 397 Oct. 11  Dec. 11, 2022 Lisbon / Tarragona


Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field 398 Dec. 11, 2022 – Feb. 10, 2023 Tarragona / Heraklion


Building Blocks of Life, Atlantis Massif 399 April 12 – June 12, 2023 Ponta Delgada / Ponta Delgada


Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate 395 June 12 – Aug. 12, 2023 Ponta Delgada / Reykjavik


NW Greenland Glaciated Margin 400 Aug. 12 – Oct. 12, 2023 Reykjavik / Reykjavik


Hawaiian Drowned Reefs 389 Aug. 29 – Oct. 31, 2023 Honolulu / Honolulu


Mediterranean-Atlantic Gateway Exchange 401 Dec. 10, 2023 – Feb. 9, 2024 Amsterdam / Napoli


Tyrrhenian Continent-Ocean Transition 402 Feb. 9 – Apr. 8, 2024 Napoli / Napoli


Eastern Fram Strait Paleo-archive 403 June 4 – Aug. 2, 2024 Amsterdam / Amsterdam


Japan Trench Tsunamigenesis 405 Sept. 6 – Dec. 20, 2024 Shimizu / Shimizu


Expeditions from previous scientific ocean drilling programs: